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Please note that this content is under development and is not ready for implementation. This status message will be updated as content development progresses.

Implementation Steps

This section provides a simple AATP implementation pathway comprising a number of steps, each with an outcome and decision point for the next step.

1Review the business case section to confirm that AATP implementation is likely to deliver value for your organisation. Establish key performance measures to track costs and benefits.Positive business case
2Review the guidance page relevant to your industry sector (eg Livestock) and role (eg feedlot) to determine which AATP credentials you should be issuing and publish your (non-binding) intent to implement so that you gain access to community support.Implementation intent registered
3Choose a software product or request your existing software system provider to implement AATP. Test your implementation using the AATP test service. Use support channels as needed.Update implementation register with positive test results
4Run a pilot with any other registered implementer(s) that has completed testing to confirm interoperability and value. Contact support to facilitate coordination of pilot activitiesSuccessful pilot
5Ramp up to full production volumes, routinely issuing and verifying AATP credentials. Measure cost and benefit performance indicators to track ongoing valueConsider publishing your story as an AATP case study