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Web vocabularies are a means to bring consistent understanding of meaning to ESG claims and assessments throughout transparent value chains based on AATP. There are many ESG standards and regulations in Australia and around the world, each with multiple specific conformity criteria. This page provides guidance on the specific standards, regulations, and conformity criteria that may be referenced by product passports and conformity credentials issued by AATP implementers.

Sustainability Vocabulary Catalog

  • Conformity Topic is drawn from the 15 UNTP Topics. Currently only emissions, deforestation, and compliance topics are mapped to any AATP references.
  • Metric is the name to be used in AATP product passport and conformity credential metricName property.
  • Commodity is either Livestock, Hort, Grain, or Any
  • Type is either standard or regulation
  • Reference contains the standard or regulation name and hyperlink to the id
  • Criteria contains a list of one or more relevant criterion name and hyperlinked id that define the rules for calculating the Metric
emissionsNet Farm Emissions Emissions IntensityLivestockStandardPICCCSheepAndBeef, Feedlot
deforestationLandArea AssessedPeriod deforestation-freeAllregulationEUDRArticle 2 Definitions Article 3 Prohibition
complianceexport-accreditationLivestockRegulationExport Control ActApproved Arrangements